Hongqiao Airport T1 Terminal Check-in System passed SIMT certification

View times: 1751  Publish time: 2019-03-04

weixintupian_20180830203128_kantuwangIn order to ensure the smooth acceptance of the T1 terminal of Hongqiao Airport, on August 25th, GTA Cangxin Intelligent cooperated with the National Metrology and Testing Technology Research Institute to carry out the national baggage handling system and the self-service baggage consignment system cooperated with ICM. Measurement certification acceptance.


During the certification process, the relevant technical personnel of the National Metrology Institute conducted reliability and accuracy tests on the check-in system provided by GTA Congshen Intelligence and the self-service consignment system participating in the cooperation to ensure the smooth passage of the certification work. During the certification period, professional and technical personnel accompanied the headquarters and related departments to complete the simulation of passenger check-in, boarding, arrival, baggage extraction and other processes, and demonstrated the main system functions to the operation department.

During the certification process, the baggage handling system equipment provided by GTA operated smoothly, and the function was running well with an accuracy of 100%. It was highly praised by the operation department of the headquarters and the integrators. After that, the GTA operation and maintenance department will also sort out, analyze and timely rectify the valuable opinions put forward by the headquarters, with a view to successfully completing the completion acceptance and welcoming the opening of the new terminal building.

